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Sixth Form Bulletin

9th January 2023

Year 12 Bulletin

Year 12 Bulletin 10 January 2023

Morning all,

Happy New Year! I hope everyone has managed to have a restful break and enjoy some time with their families. 


Academic support and deadlines


Support sessions are running on Mondays 2:45 — 3:45pm 


Support sessions after school on Wednesdays; see Mr Jones for details


Support sessions after school on Mondays in I13; see Miss Toozer for details. 


Catch up sessions after school on a Monday, but can be more flexible if given notice. They also have an 'A Level Litcast' podcast for A Level on Spotify/iTunes.



  • There will be a ‘Youth Event’ for 16-124 year olds, on the 10th Feb 2023 at 2pm at the MEMO Barry. Please see attached flyer for details. It will be a great opportunity for you to talk to various organisations, about courses, employment, apprenticeships to help you focus on your future plans. Let me know if you’ll be attending so we can authorise the attendance. 
  • The Lord Edmund Davies Legal Education Trust (LEDLET) is a charitable trust aimed at students living in Wales with an interest in law and who do not have family members with a connection to law. They offer Welsh students the opportunity to apply for a Summer School in July to gain insight into what a career in the legal profession might look like. This includes talks from judges, barristers, solicitors and others; the scheme has been running since 2013 and has seen students come through the scheme and go on to attend universities such as Oxford, Cardiff and Exeter. This year they will be offering 10 students the chance to spend a week in London and 10 students a week in Cardiff. The schemes run in parallel and take place during the same week in July (24-28 July 2023).The applications for this year’s Summer Scheme are open and will close on 12 February 2023. The application forms are all online, and can be found on their website: To apply you must:
  1. Complete the Student Application Form;
  2. Ask a parent/guardian to complete the Parent/Guardian Consent Form; and
  3. Ask me to complete the Teacher Consent Form. 

All three forms must be completed by the deadline of 12 February 2023. 


  • There is a Black Leaders of the Future Event in London on Tuesday 24th January 5pm - 8pm Details are on the flyer attached. 

Cardiff University’s flagship Step-Up Programme will run again this academic year for Year 12 students across Wales. Students can read more and watch a video about the programme here or express interest in the programme here.   


  • The Step-Up programme consists of online weekly masterclasses delivered by an expert tutor and facilitated by our Cardiff University Student Ambassadors. The masterclasses are designed to give priority group year 12 students in Wales insight into life and learning at University. The four-week course of online Masterclasses will run on Wednesday evenings from 5-7pm via Zoom and will launch on the 15th February 2023. Eligible learners can follow courses in one of the following subject areas:  


  • languages, literacy and communication  
  • expressive arts  
  • health and wellbeing  
  • humanities and social sciences  
  • mathematics and numeracy  
  • science and technology.  


Students taking part in this programme will also receive exclusive benefits including:  


  • Taking part in specially designed academic short courses, designed to prepare students for studying in a university environment.  
  • Valuable experiences to add to UCAS and job applications  
  • Exclusive invitations to tailored events, such as open day briefings and personal statement workshops.  
  • Exclusive access to a Year 12 residential summer festival.  
  • Students are allocated an academic tutor.  
  • Meet current university students who were previously part of the programme.  
  • The possibility of contextual offers and a guaranteed interview for those interested in applying to medicine or dentistry at Cardiff University.  


The Nuffield Research Placements for Year 12 - Summer 2023 - Applications are open.

Applications are now open for Year 12 students to apply for a Nuffield Research Placement next summer. Over the years several of our students have completed the Nuffield placement and Laibah from Yr 13 won a £1000 prize for her report this year. Be aware there are eligibility criteria. The closing date is 30th March 2023:

Link to get more information and apply:

Apply as a student for placement | Nuffield Research Placements


Nuffield are particularly looking for Year 12 students who meet at least ONE of the criteria below to apply:

  • From a household with an income of less than £30,000
  • Receiving free school meals or have done in last 6 years
  • Receiving EMA
  • Living or have lived in social care
  • First in your immediate family to participate in higher education

Summary of a Nuffield Research Placement:

When? – During summer holidays after Year 12 

How long? – Around 4 weeks in total. This includes independent study (online modules) ahead of 2-3 weeks for the real-world placement.

What? – A well-supervised but independent placement relating to an area of science, quantitative social science, computing, technology, engineering or maths - or a combination.

Cost? – You can take part in a placement at no cost. Travel costs are reimbursed and you may also be eligible to receive a £200 subsidy.

Where? – Placements take place in a variety of locations including offices, museums, research centres, laboratories or fieldwork settings.

 Benefits? – A unique opportunity to develop invaluable research and quantitative skills, learn about different career paths and enhance your UCAS personal statement.


The LeadHerShip event gives women aged 16-22 from across Wales a unique insight into the day-to-day work of a MS. they bring together young women from across Wales at the Senedd to learn more about how decisions are made in Wales, aiming to dispel some myths about the world of politics and break down barriers to encourage more young women to see a potential future in politics. The one-day event has a number of parts. In the morning, participants will shadow the MS they are paired with before a lunchtime Q&A with a panel of women MSs. In the afternoon, participants will attend First Minister’s Questions before taking part in a debate on the importance of International Women’s Day in 2023. The event will take place on Tuesday 7 March. You can find the application form and additional information about LeadHerShip Senedd on our website (Cymraeg | English). Applications will close at 13:00 on Monday 16 January.


The London School of Economics has an upcoming opportunity: LSE Explore – Year 12 (or equivalent) students – applications are now open. This is a series of online academic taster events for Year 12 students which offer insight into selected undergraduate degree subjects at LSE. 

To make sure you understand the grades you might need for courses you’re interested in and confirm entry requirements please use the following website: Ask your LC to look at courses with you if you’re not sure whether you might need specific subjects/grades for a course you are considering.

Speakers for Schools has a range of work experience opportunities, just be aware some are aimed at students in England - especially the Healthcare ones which relate to NHS England. Use the link here to see whether there’s anything relevant to you. 

Cardiff University’s Science in Health series of public lectures are returning to 'in person' events and being held on the Cathays Park campus. Their new home is the Sir Stanley Thomas OBE Lecture Theatre at the Centre for Student Life. Use the link here to see the programme of lectures. 

Gresham College has a series of lectures by different Professors; January’s lectures include: Professor Chris Whitty discussing the causes of Coronary Heart Disease and advances in reducing its effects; Professor Joanna Bourke discussing the cultural history of Breast Cancer, 'one of the most dreaded diseases for women'; Medical Law professor Professor Imogen Goold looking at whether it would be right to make Vaccination mandatory; and Professor Sarah Hart will explore Lottery-Winning Maths. The UK Government has just approved a coal mine for the first time in decades, after 190 countries agreed to phase down coal power in COP26, making Professor Myles Allan’s lecture on the Ocean Physics Behind Net Zero, particularly well-timed. For other lectures which are at undergraduate level use the link here.


Many universities have got upcoming Open Days so make sure you have a look at the places you think you may want to study at. I’ve just put the links for our most popular destinations’ Open Days below as well as the Open Days calendar. 


Cardiff Uni have two opportunities for Year 12: 

  • Pathways to Law The opportunity to complete work experience with law firms, take part in academic workshops with academics at Cardiff University Law School, visit Cardiff University, take part in the Pathways to Law National Conference and more.
  • Pathways to Engineering Over the course of the programme students will get the opportunity to experience teaching from Cardiff University’s School of Engineering and meet current students studying engineering. Students will gain an insight into university life with interactive sessions on topics like student finance, societies and exploring the campus. Industry professionals and companies will offer students an insight into the world of engineering through panels and the chance to apply for work experience. Applications: for more information on the programmes, eligibility criteria and how to apply please click here. The more eligibility criteria you meet the more likely you are to be offered a place on the programme. To apply click here. The cost of travel as part of the programme is covered by the university. 

They also have Open days coming up: Cardiff Open Days


Cardiff Met have a series of Open Days and Campus tours available:


Aspire is a collection of free careers, university and further education resources. It is designed to give state-educated students the tools and knowledge they need to make more informed decisions about their future. Their ‘guide’ is a free resource, full of information and guidance, designed to inform you and help you navigate the range of careers and further education out there. Access the online version of the Guide, alongside other resources, on the Aspire website,

Apprenticeships/Degree Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships Pathway CTM, a London-based careers advice service, is running online weekly drop-in sessions focused on apprenticeships. Register here. 

Deloitte's ASPIRE programme: Deloitte’s ASPIRE program is your chance to see how different career paths align to your unique talents and strengths. Register your interest here.

  • Use the website here to explore Degree Apprenticeships
  • Use the website here to explore Degree Apprenticeships
  • Network 75 offers a range of apprenticeship opportunities as well; use the link here: Network 75 
  • PwC has more information for potential accountants, business management or technology students interested in degree apprenticeships with them. Use the link  here to find out more



For those of you who may feel you need support following the Christmas break, as always we are always available to help. If you feel you need more support there are some useful support sites and links listed here:

There are also some useful techniques here for those experiencing feelings of anxiety:

Remember it  is important that you keep an eye on your emails and our Twitter feed (@stcyres6th). I send out links and tweets regularly so there is a lot of information available, you just need to access it and let me know if there are any problems with you doing that. 

As always, if there are any issues get in touch; we’re here to support you.

Take care,


Ms Jones



St Cyres School, Sully Road, Penarth, Vale of Glamorgan, CF64 2XP

02920 708708